
Ooo-Jaa is the cutish sound we make which tickles our little baby. We enjoy making that silly sound, enjoy making that wide-mouth and silly face, enjoy the togetherness and enjoy the laughter. Ooo-jaa reflects my life's simple pleasures and a little snippet of my life.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mummy's thoughts

At 16 month old, Yu Le has achieved 2 major milestones....

Everytime when we asked her 'Where is Yu Le?', she will point at herself. And when we asked 'What's your name?' and 'Who is this?' (pointing at her picture), she will still point at herself, not able to call out her name yet. Today, when we asked her 'What's your name?' or '你叫什么名字?', she is able to call out her own name. It's indeed a pleasant surprise. She's not pronuncing her name very accurately yet, but it's so cute to see her excitedly shouting her own name when asked. I'm so happy.

Another major milestone - Yu Le is weaning off her 'tutu' (pacifier). For the first night since she was 2 months old (or was it earlier?), she has slept without her favourite, must-have 'tutu'. She kept asking for it, but we just keep telling her we throw it away, snd there is no more 'tutu'. It took quite a long while of carrying, hugging and story telling (by her papa) for her to fall asleep. Again, I'm so happy. Days where we can't go anywhere without her tutu will be gone soon...

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