
Ooo-Jaa is the cutish sound we make which tickles our little baby. We enjoy making that silly sound, enjoy making that wide-mouth and silly face, enjoy the togetherness and enjoy the laughter. Ooo-jaa reflects my life's simple pleasures and a little snippet of my life.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Somehow, I have been most scared of lizards. I can't even bear to hear about lizards, or even look at lizard pictures. So happen one day, I was terrified by a big and blackish looking lizard as I was opening my wardrobe door in the bedroom... and I couldn't even bear to scream (for fear that I will make the lizard jump at me!!!!). I ran out of the room looking really terrified at hubby. At one look, he knew what I must have seen. Yule came to me looking puzzled at my lost of words and kept asking me what happen. All I can say to her is "Mummy is very scared of lizard"...

Little brave Yule kept hugging me, and told me not to be scared, while papa was frantically trying to hit and 'capture' the creature (basically whatever he can do to get rid of the lizard because house rules say wifey and lizard cannot co-exist in the same household!). She was patting my back and my head, for as long as 15 mins, and assuring me in a very gentle tone, telling me its ok and not to be scared. On one hand, I felt rather strange that my little girl was comforting and 'protecting' me, on the other hand, I was enjoying that moment!

I guess it only affirms us that we have done a good job in making her feel secure and protected all these while, and that in time of need, she could take on that protector role too!

The whole episode ended with the unfortunate demise of the lizard... seriously, not that I care abt that blackish creature.. but I did care and pondled when yule asked me "Mummy, 为什么 那个lizard要死啊 ?"

I couldn't answer her... maybe the answer would be "Too bad loh!"

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Potato Family

These days, Yule likes to draw people. But her drawing of a 'person' looks more like a potato, and that's what we always call it. So she completed this drawing and called it "Potato Family"!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Discipline is such a big word. And these days I have to be employing disicipliing tactics a few times in a day. Lately I can't help but feel tired about disciplining Yule. Perhaps its also hormones changes, coupled with worries and uncertainties about a new baby, and having to deal with Yule's challenging behaviour. It upsets me pretty much when I see how her strong-willed character, her perseverance, her strive for independence, her wit, her strong command of the langauage (all really good positive traits) can contribute so much to her wilful, demanding, manipulative, impatient behaviour. These days, she often yells '走开', '我不要你'. These are really hurtful words. As much as I tell myself not to take it personally, its hard to do so. I do employ time-out, talking through the behaviour with her, getting her to apologize in disciplining her. The cane was also used in order to make sure she stays at her time-out corner. These strategies used to work very well. I'm was always happy with the outcome, that despite the naughty behaviour, we got our point across and she learnt and said sorry, and we will end off with hugs. However, these tactics were less effective now as he got used to the routines. It takes longer time, much more energy, much more tears and more strokes of cane to get her to acknowledge what she did wrongly and to apologize for her mistake. I guess she is really learning to test our limits and boundaries. Sometimes it appears to me that it is like a battle of power and control. I know at the back of my mind I cannot let her get away with any wilful behaviour, and I must let her know that her parents are in control, but it is just really a tiring process. And I hate to admit that sometimes I notice myself placating her so to prevent any 'eruptions'. I don't want that.

So today, I broke down. I am worried, really worried about the arrival of the second child. Though Yule appears excited about my growing tummy and the baby, I really wonder how it will be like when the sibling arrives. How do I cope with the demands of a newborn and a challenging toddler?

Perhaps my consolation for now is that many times we can still talk sense to Yule as she understands and expresses herself very well, and also not forgetting that she is just like her papa when he was young - the must-win, territoial, smart and manipulative traits. If her papa can turn out well and good, I believe so will Yule.

And perhaps just like what her papa said, maybe I worry too much.